Best Ever Gong Meditation May 20th 2013

TO BUY one of Lisa’s CD’s
OR Gongster’s new album, The «Gongster» Zone at
The most beautiful energy, of souls, that gathered tonight for the most incredible Gong Meditation so far. Thank you all you enlightened souls that attended. Everyone present created the flow of high vibrational sensations, healing, and harmonizing. It was true bliss to be a part of such an expansive night. From Thinking and Doing, to a blissful state of feeling and being. In stillness of the mind, enables seeing our true selves. We are all one. xxoo
Check Out: for more information about Gong!

TO BUY one of Lisa’s CD’s
Or Check out more information at

Lisa Lippincott, Barbara Cole, Lee Wearly, Kevin McEntee and Windy Katz


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