Los instrumentos musicales en inglés. Musical instruments in English. Bagpipes = gaita, drum = tambor, etc.
SEE ALSO “The Most Frequent English Words” – Visit: https://vocabulary.one/
The 1st 1,000 Most Frequent English Words: https://vocabulary.one/en/frequency/k01
The 2nd 1,000 Most Frequent English Words: https://vocabulary.one/en/frequency/k02
The 3rd 1,000 Most Frequent English Words: https://vocabulary.one/en/frequency/k03
The 4th 1,000 Most Frequent English Words: https://vocabulary.one/en/frequency/k04
The 5th 1,000 Most Frequent English Words: https://vocabulary.one/en/frequency/k05
The 6th 1,000 Most Frequent English Words: https://vocabulary.one/en/frequency/k06
The 7th 1,000 Most Frequent English Words: https://vocabulary.one/en/frequency/k07
The 8th 1,000 Most Frequent English Words: https://vocabulary.one/en/frequency/k08
The 9th 1,000 Most Frequent English Words: https://vocabulary.one/en/frequency/k09
The 10th 1,000 Most Frequent English Words: https://vocabulary.one/en/frequency/k10
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