Violin Lessons for Beginners: Teach Yourself How to Play Violin (Free Audio Available) (Progressive Beginner)

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Teach yourself how to play violin with our easy violin lessons for beginners.

***Comes with online access to free audio demonstrating all examples. Hear how each one is played by a teacher, then play along.***

«A very intuitive, easy to understand book. I recommend it to all my students and with practice, hear and see their results.» – G. Hennessy

Progressive Beginner Violin contains all you need to know to start learning to be a great violin player – in one easy-to-follow, lesson-by-lesson violin tutorial. Suitable for all ages and all types of violins including electric violin for beginners. No prior knowledge of how to read music or playing the violin is required to teach yourself to learn to play violin from this book.

Teach yourself:
• How to play violin notes for beginners and violin scales for beginners
• All essential right and left hand techniques including how to hold the violin, various bowing techniques and how to play pizzicato
• How to play scales, melodies and studies in major and minor keys
• Easy to understand violin music theory including key signatures, time signatures, note values and rests needed for reading violin music for beginners
• Violin tuning
• Violin tips and violin tricks that every player should know when learning violin
• Shortcuts for how to learn violin fast by getting the most from violin practice sessions

Contains everything you need to know to learn to play the violin today.

Features include:
• Progressive step-by-step easy beginners fiddle lessons written by a professional violin teacher
• Easy-to-read violin music
• Full color photos and diagrams
• 64 violin exercises and popular easy violin songs for beginners in classical violin, world music fiddle, bluegrass fiddle and folk fiddle styles

Beginner violin lessons have never been this easy for anyone who wants to learn how to play the violin, fast.’s violin lessons for beginners are used by students and violin teachers worldwide to learn how to play violin. For over 30 years, our team of professional authors, composers and musicians have crafted violin lesson books that are a cut above the rest. We offer a huge selection of music instruction books that cover many different instruments and styles in print, eBook and app formats. Awarded the ‘Quality Excellence Design’ (QED) seal of approval for eBook innovation, continues to set the standard for quality music education resources.


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